The Rehab Techniques For Faster Healing
The rehab techniques that must not be followed in case of sprains and strains were discussed in a previous blog. This might have left you with a question in mind as to what should be done actually to recover from them? We bring the answer to clear all your confusion so that you do it the right way next time without worsening the condition further.
Don’t stuck with harmful rehab techniques, we are here with the correct injury rehabilitation techniques which needs to be followed are:-
You need to protect the injured area from any further damage. So it is advisable to avoid any activity in the initial hours and provide proper support to the muscle. To prevent any movement, the injured area should be bandaged. It should also be kept elevated with the support of a pillow or something, in order to decrease the flow of blood to the area as this will limit the swelling.
Avoid Activities That Might Increase Swelling
Some activities like alcohol consumption, hot baths, running and massaging can aggravate the condition leading to increased bleeding and swelling and hence, must be strictly avoided for the next 72 hours after the injury.
Bring Sprained Joint In Motion
After sufficient rest, the joints must be moved to heal quicker. They should not be kept at rest for a longer time as the movements may seem difficult later. Try to do some mild exercises suggested by the doctor. This will enable the necessary movement of the muscle.These exercises are prohibited only in case of some exceptions as major sprains and also in case of muscle strains as any kind of movement might lead to muscle tearing resulting in serious damage.
Get Rid Of The Pain
Take a mild pain killer such as paracetamol, if required, to ease the pain from the injured joint. If it does not go, a stronger pain killer may be advised to you by the doctor. In some cases, a cream or gel may often be prescribed which is to be applied on the affected area. Ibuprofen tablets act as a pain killer and also reduce the swelling, but they cannot be taken in the initial 48 hours as they delay the healing process.
Some cases may need to undergo physiotherapy for complete rehabilitation. It involves performing some specific exercises which improve the motion range of the muscle and help it to heal completely, to avoid any risk of injuries in the long term. It prevents the muscles from getting affected by the injury permanently.
Give Time To Recover
Every muscle injury takes time to recover fully. The time depends on the severity of the sprains and strains. Till then, avoid any involvement in sports activities and gymming to avert any serious aftermath.
With all this knowledge of rehab techniques and logical reasons supporting what you should do and what you should not, follow the correct rehab techniques which will help your injured muscle heal faster without any risks of future injuries to live a healthy life, free from unwanted pains.
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